Sunday, October 4, 2009

Purgatory Update II

Hello Katherine,
I'm sorry it has been such a long time since contact. I've had to turn off the generator for some time now, as I've been trying to keep quiet. A group of city police officers was camped out in the hotel next door, and i did not want to mess with them, as they'd gone rabid like the last group of people I encountered.
They arrived a while ago with their guns blazing. They cleaned up a large group of infected that I had been keeping an eye on. After that, a couple emerged from a nearby subway tunnel, hoping to find some heroes. All they found were villians. The man was gunned down right as he stepped off the sidewalk and onto the street, and his better half took a bludgeoning to the face after she went to check on him. The men with badges raided the unfortunate corpses and ran to the hotel once a thunder storm began. After a good week (I think), they left. This morning I managed to pick up some cigarettes and a drop of vodka in a bottle from their room. Maybe I can use the "coffin nails" as a currency for trade, and the bottle as an explosive component in the near future.
The police are supposed to be your ally aren't they? I guess thats only in the world that used to be "normal".
Other than that event, nothing has happened except for infection and murder in this part of purgatory.

Keep in touch Katherine,
Edward Kingston

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