Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It Starts...

People are born. They co-exist for a short or long while, important or parasitic, kind or cruel, and then people die. This is the natural way the world works. It is not natural for the dead to get up and wander the Earth. If you've been listening to the radio, watching TV or go online, you'll know exactly what I mean. As long as the internet holds up (and I can power my laptop), I'll be posting the outbreak happenings from my part of the world. Should we use the word "zombie"? That's exactly what they are, so let's not pretend these are living humans with “rage” issues, or that they’re a cannibalistic cult with world-wide followers.

My name is Katherine Murphy. I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, on the outskirts of a small eastern town. I'm a regular office assistant (temporarily unemployed since the outbreak one week ago) with regular hobbies like video games, TV, hiking and reading. I’m not a professional writer but I want to share my situation. I’ve just set up this blog today and will be posting at least once a week, and hopefully can put stories from around the globe on here.

I wonder if the world will manage the outbreak successfully. Will the undead be contained and destroyed to end the spread of the… virus? Or is this how the living world will end?


  1. It's good to hear that there are more survivors on the Earth. It's too bad you're so far away, We could seek refuge as a team, but Toronto is a long way from you. I haven't had luck finding anyone uninfected in over a week, and I've been holed up in this apartment full of corpses for god knows how long. It's good to know somone's still out there. I'll keep in touch, Katherine.

    Good Luck,
    Edward Kingston

  2. Good to hear from you, Jman! Things aren't too crazy here yet, but Toronto must be a nightmare. Your first infected showed up weeks before ours. Stay indoors and stay safe. Yes, please keep in touch.

  3. Hello Katherine,
    The user name Jman came from a computer I disovered in the building I'm holding as my own. It was logged on as Jman H, on another site, I searched and searched sites for signs of any survivor, and came across yours. I commented as fast as I could, but unfortunately gave you some confusion. My new user name is Edward Kingston.
